(828) 450-4778
We have two numbers to serve you! If somebody doesn't answer on the first try, give us a call on the other number.
Arden Fence, Deck, & Construction Company|Asheville, NC 28748|(828) 450-4778

Add Value to Your Home with Our Remodeling Services

Whether you’re considering a move or you want to upgrade the space you’re in, our quality remodeling services can elevate your home’s value. We have several years of experience with interior and exterior remodeling projects, and we’re happy to assist you with yours.

Interior vs. Exterior Remodeling

Both interior and exterior remodeling projects increase your home’s value. However, exterior remodels could give you the biggest bang for your buck in terms of curb appeal. Many real estate agents will tell you that a home sale may be won or lost by the first impression of the exterior.
Interior work is equally crucial for a home sale, though, and offers more benefit if you plan to stay in your house for a while. We spend more hours inside our homes in today's world, so now may be the time to make some updates or additions to your indoor living space!

Remodeling Projects for the Best Return on Your Investment:

Why Choose Arden Fence, Deck, & Construction Company?

We are fortunate to have an exceptional team of craftsmen with extensive experience in various trades, including carpentry, tile, stucco, and painting. This breadth of knowledge allows us to complete full remodel projects for you within our own team, which means we can closely control costs and timeframe.

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Service Area

Serving the Asheville, Bryson City, Sevierville, Danridge, Morristown, Baileyton, Morganton, Kingstown, Spattanburg, & Mauldin areas.

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